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Foolproof mating provides accurately aligned dowel joints regardless of material thickness and side fence/stop location. The only requirement is that the drill bits are centered between the table and rear fence (Z=Y). The key difference between this image and the Automatic mating one (use next/prev to switch back and forth) is that foolproof end-boring is done with the inside-face-up (panel A inside up VS down). This allows the Z constant (bit to table distance) to be used for end-boring and provides a common reference point - all panels are bored with their front (or back) edges against the side fence (or back fence stops).
When setting the rear fence, using gauge blocks (G) a bit thicker than the maximum expected panel (P) thickness will allow leaving the fence in place while testing/setting the drill head height. Blocks close to 20mm tall should allow leaving the fence in place for all 3/4 +/- construction boring, e.g. plywood and melamine. Note: Any adjustment of the drill head height is 1:2, e.g. moving it up/back .125mm moves the A panel holes down .125, the B panel holes up .125 and the A panel outside face up .25mm.
Foolproof Mating