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I replaced the knotty Pine trim with clear vertical grain Fir to match the rooms cabinetry. The arch was glued up and routed to shape using a router trammel. All the Fir was hand selected and book-matched (same grain R/L and T/B). Three thicknesses of material were used to allow a 1/8" radius on the edges and a smooth transition where the grain changes direction (e.g. The arch steps down to the legs and the legs step down to the rail and base). The uneven floor and walls meant the base had to be scribed and kerfed (the board in the bottom right of the picture is holding a kerfed piece of base while the adhesive cures).
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I had previously done the trim and closets for Kristin and Doug's home. I went back a couple years later to install quite a few feet of 5-1/4" crown for them. While the extra beading on the profile made it a bit tricky, all inside corner joints were coped. Coping locks the joint together and minimizes any gaps due to shrinkage or movement of the house. For the two splices I selected pieces that had the closest color and grain match. Because of the size and profile of the crown I had to install nailing blocks on a number of walls.
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For the Wolf's I used a frame and panel design made from MDF and wood moulding. The panels were made in the shop and installed on site. The wainscot wraps around to to tie together the hall, kitchen, laundry and family room. The wall unit I did for them in the family room incorporates the same frame and panel detail. The front (before door molding and paint) and family room doors got similar treatment.
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I got to do quite a wide range or work on Doug and Gail's home. The huge great room with its wainscot, beam wraps, transom lights and mantle. There's the master bedroom with its faux beams and wall to wall built-in. I repeated the built-in's bull-nose detail on the shelves in the entry. Above the entry is a cupola with beam wraps and crown. The guest room is unique with its Douglas Fir trim, three-quarter height paneling and built in window seat. There are numerous other details including a custom quilt rack.
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Trim, AKA Finish carpentry, is the installation of a houses doors and all interior molding. Interior trim can include crown, wainscot, tongue and grove ceilings, beam wraps, etc. Finish carpentry typically includes the installation of closet poles/shelves and may include the installation of cabinets. Built-in cabinetry, saunas, etc. may also be in the finish carpenters realm.

Churchfield Guest Room
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Engerman Crown
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Wolf Wainscot

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Todoroff Residence

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