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A flood of incomplete garbage posts to a.b.movies showing up in the Movies-XviD category motivated the addition (r179) of incomplete info to nzb listings and automatic skipping/logging when an incomplete listing matches a watch list item. Unfortunately this only works with nzbs.org because they are the only site that includes a completion percentage attribute in their RSS feed.
...Added a SkipGroup option (WF extras, r180) for everyone else. Its not ideal, but its effective for the current garbage being posted to a.b.movies. It's also useful if you like to sample posts, e.g. skip a.b.warez.win95-apps posts to get sampleable a.b.moovee posts (same releases, different posters/packaging).
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PPWeb now (r170) has its own home page. You can get to it from the PPWeb link in the new Webui, the PPWeb block title in NzbgetWeb or from the PPWeb side menu. The page is home to the new top ten downloads feature. The top ten (of 50) downloads from all enabled categories on all enabled nzb sites are updated during during site/page updates. Fetched and seen listings will be grey, new listings green. The titles link to the nzb site browse page listing.
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In attempts at obscurity, numerous Usenet posters are using nonsense file-names. This is only an issue when already packaged releases are renamed without creating a new par set. PPWeb handles these posts transparently since r157 (significantly better in r162, fix for misnamed and broken in r169). NzbGet 9.1 and the new ParScan option is NOT required/used... While full downloads work fine, sampling misnamed archives is not possible.
PPWeb has always handled par checking in a way that allows archives to be extracted even when unimportant files (sfv, srr, sample, subs, etc.) are missing. A full par check/repair is only done when important files are missing/broken. The same is true for the new misnamed archive handing.
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New TV Watch List options were added in r151. While the new options were needed so that matches could be found in any newznab category, they also allow you to be more specific it determining what nzb's get queued. Added SR/SD options are DVDRip avi's (SA) and x264 only (SX, no avi's). Added HR/HD options are 720 (H7) and 1080 (H1). New newznab specific options include multiple disk DVDr's (DD) and basic Anime support. Anime listings are treated like standard TV episodes, including ep title look-ups. The SR and HR options are backwards compatible and will only queue matches found in SD and HD categories.
The HD and DR Movie options are now restricted to x264 (HD) and Xvid (DR). The list of possible keyword matches was adjusted to suit. New Newznab specific options are DVDr's (DD) and BluRay disks (BD). The BD match may too broad, the only requirement is that there be no XviD or x264 match and the size be over 10GB. I don't use HD options, suggestions are welcome. Restricting matches to 720 or 1080 is still set using the HdRes option.
The Priority option is now tied to NzbgetRev and existing users will have to set it manually to initialize it... automatic w/ PPWeb >= r154.
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PPWeb has Newznab watch/browse support starting in r151. Nzbs.org, Kere.ws, Nzbs.in, Nzb.su and Dognzb.cr are ready to configure and use... Nzbs.in and Dognzb closed new registrations during testing and Nzbs.org is invite only. Let me know of any good Newznab sites, with open registration, and I'll add them.
A key difference with Newznab sites is that you can watch any of the available TV and Movie categories with a single setting and browse page. You are no longer limited to predefined SD/SR and HD/HR categories with separate browse pages. The Watch List has some changed and new options to accommodate this.
Nzb push, using the Newznab SAB interface, was added in r131. Starting in r151 you can also queue the contents of your Newznab Cart, My Shows and My Movies pages via local browse pages. You can even auto update/queue your My Shows and My Movies pages using the NN_Watch option.
Newznab listings have a "rls" (Movies) or "eps" (TV) link (where available) that will take you to the nzb site movie or series page. The page lists all available releases and has an "add" link that you can use to add the title to your My Shows or Movies page. Knowing what formats are available will help when adding the title to the PPWeb Watch List and in deciding which categories to include in XX_TV.
One notable PPWeb change is that _all_ searches and updates will look for and automatically download any matching nzb's. MaxSize, MaxAge and MaxNzbs options have been added to help you limit the scope of what can be downloaded. There is also a new "Mark previous episodes as seen" option when using the "Add to Watch List" listing links (recommended method).
All the above mentioned configuration options, plus a new NoEpShows option, are in Configure : Newznab, WF Extras and WF [site].
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How to get more detailed movie info without visiting the slow loading IMDb site? Starting in r124 there are "OMDb" (since r155, was "IMDb API") links for all nzb listings and database search results (that contain an IMDb id or year). Clicking the link will retrieve IMDb information using The Open Movie Database API. If that information includes a link to a poster image, the image will be fetched. The retrieved data is stored in a flat-file database (data/ppweb_imdb.txt) and the images in ppweb/images. The page includes links to the full IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes (unless N/A) pages... as well as record deletion and update links (r125). Future clicks will use the stored data/image. The 'return to' links take you back to the listing you came from.
r125: The OMDb site is slow and unreliable, so I added The Movie Database (TMDb... better, but still on the slow side). Poster images are stored by IMDb id (where possible) and the same image will be used for both OMDb and TMDb pages. TMDb pages typically have more links to external sources and most names link to TMDb person pages. TMDb is now the default data source for movies.
r128: Data from the DC IMDb API was added to replace TMDb rating/count with IMDb rating/count. It is also used to provide the "+" link IMDb details for nzb site listings.
r147: While The OMDb site has gotten faster, its database is returning errors and its image source is not providing standard 340p wide images anymore (some are quite big). If your system has the convert command (ImageMagick), the oversized images will be resized automatically. Otherwise, you can use the 'delete image' link to delete them. Since the same cached images are used for both TMDb and OMDb, another workaround is to fetch the TMDb page/image first.
r155: IMDb API (imdbapi.com) is now OMDb (omdbapi.com) thanks to an IMDb lawyer. The old site has details of the exchange.
r157: Added IAO (Imdb Api Org, imdbapi.ORG). While very similar to OMDb (previously imdbapi.COM), its been faster and more reliable. The only drawbacks are that the images are a bit on the small side and there's no Rotten Tomatoes data.
For TV shows I added The TVDb (r125). The TVDb is now the default source for episode title look-ups. Using TVDb allowed me to add date based episode tile look-ups. The browse page TVDb "show" links retrieve general show information. The "ep" links provide details about the episode, including an episode image (when available). The first time (and as updates are needed) you click an "ep" link, the script will retrieve/store the complete show record - including all episode records. Complete records can be large, they are stored by show name in the ppweb/data/tvdb directory. All TVDB images are stored in the ppweb/data/tvdb/images directory.
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Incomplete nzb's

...Added a SkipGroup option (WF extras, r180) for everyone else. Its not ideal, but its effective for the current garbage being posted to a.b.movies. It's also useful if you like to sample posts, e.g. skip a.b.warez.win95-apps posts to get sampleable a.b.moovee posts (same releases, different posters/packaging).
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Popular Nzbs

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Misnamed Archives

PPWeb has always handled par checking in a way that allows archives to be extracted even when unimportant files (sfv, srr, sample, subs, etc.) are missing. A full par check/repair is only done when important files are missing/broken. The same is true for the new misnamed archive handing.
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Watch List Options

The Priority option is now tied to NzbgetRev and existing users will have to set it manually to initialize it... automatic w/ PPWeb >= r154.
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A key difference with Newznab sites is that you can watch any of the available TV and Movie categories with a single setting and browse page. You are no longer limited to predefined SD/SR and HD/HR categories with separate browse pages. The Watch List has some changed and new options to accommodate this.
Nzb push, using the Newznab SAB interface, was added in r131. Starting in r151 you can also queue the contents of your Newznab Cart, My Shows and My Movies pages via local browse pages. You can even auto update/queue your My Shows and My Movies pages using the NN_Watch option.
Newznab listings have a "rls" (Movies) or "eps" (TV) link (where available) that will take you to the nzb site movie or series page. The page lists all available releases and has an "add" link that you can use to add the title to your My Shows or Movies page. Knowing what formats are available will help when adding the title to the PPWeb Watch List and in deciding which categories to include in XX_TV.
One notable PPWeb change is that _all_ searches and updates will look for and automatically download any matching nzb's. MaxSize, MaxAge and MaxNzbs options have been added to help you limit the scope of what can be downloaded. There is also a new "Mark previous episodes as seen" option when using the "Add to Watch List" listing links (recommended method).
All the above mentioned configuration options, plus a new NoEpShows option, are in Configure : Newznab, WF Extras and WF [site].
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IMDb, TMDb and TVDb lookups

r128: Data from the DC IMDb API was added to replace TMDb rating/count with IMDb rating/count. It is also used to provide the "+" link IMDb details for nzb site listings.
r147: While The OMDb site has gotten faster, its database is returning errors and its image source is not providing standard 340p wide images anymore (some are quite big). If your system has the convert command (ImageMagick), the oversized images will be resized automatically. Otherwise, you can use the 'delete image' link to delete them. Since the same cached images are used for both TMDb and OMDb, another workaround is to fetch the TMDb page/image first.
r155: IMDb API (imdbapi.com) is now OMDb (omdbapi.com) thanks to an IMDb lawyer. The old site has details of the exchange.
r157: Added IAO (Imdb Api Org, imdbapi.ORG). While very similar to OMDb (previously imdbapi.COM), its been faster and more reliable. The only drawbacks are that the images are a bit on the small side and there's no Rotten Tomatoes data.

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