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Corner Plate X/Y/Z zeroing

Corner Plate X/Y/Z zeroingThis is a macro version of the 'Automatic touch off with touch plate' function in the 'Automatic touch off functions' menu. The macro is based on my settings for that function, Setup > Controller > Touch Plate and Misc (macros use the Misc Back off setting). Between the image and comments in the macro it should be reasonably easy to customize the macro.

The advantage of the macro is that it can be triggered from the main controller screen, hotkey(s) or a momentary switch on an input pin. The drawback is that adjustments for different diameter tools is not an easy task. I use a 5mm dowel for X/Y and redo Z with the cutting tool in place. I am not aware of anyway to extend the macro, e.g. to add a pause for (my tool change/Z0,) plate removal and to start machining.

6651_corner_plate_XYZ_zeroing_macro.txt 6651_corner_plate_XYZ_zeroing_macro.txt
6651_corner_plate_XYZ_zeroing_macro.svg 6651_corner_plate_XYZ_zeroing_macro.svg
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